Being the first children’s mayor of Amsterdam, Ilias Admi has been on a journey through an exceptional year since November 2019.
One of the special encounters along the way, took place in the Eye Film Museum, where Ilias opened the “Kids only event” (where underprivileged and sick children could visit the exhibition of films by artist Francis Alys “Children’s games” for free).
There he met a well-known theatre maker and actor, who recognised himself in the gaze of Ilias. They share a fascination for film and theatre, but also for how you can make the world more beautiful and colorful, sometimes just with imagination.
Ilias gladly accepts his invitation to visit him once and a special friendship develops.
As Ilias himself says: “Because of corona, many of the things that I thought I was going to do as ‘children’s mayor of Amsterdam’ were canceled and I found that quite difficult. I now think that maybe because of this, I am experiencing special things that I otherwise would not have been able to do. ”
A positive approach, which Ilias likes to share in this film with all the children (and ‘grown-up children’) of Amsterdam and the Netherlands, no with the whole colorful world!
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